
This is a Picture gallery, that'll have 29 pictures in it.

It is done, so you are not distracted while reading it.
I would advise a full screen viewing, this is why I left them as high resolution as possible.

Would love to hear, your comment, but please leave them on the bottom with the credits. This is also where you can see the actual date of posting, with links to the original poem and pictures, I've built on.




I hope you liked it, I'm working on the rest.

The words are based on a poem by Claudia Minden Weisz.

The website for the original poem:

I got a Hungarian translation of it some years ago,
with some extra verses, that I translated.

I found the pictures on the internet - some not recently, and I think they are all under the Creative Commons Licence. If not, please let me know.

Big thank you for the original pictures to:

VI. 09/12/15

VII. 09/12/15

also ecstaticist and b_napper

VIII. 09/12/18

IX. 09/12/15

IX. 09/12/15

the third picture was taken by me and i really hope no-one can tell where and who it is... i promised not to tell

I have spent a lot of time thinking about this and I can recommend the same. This is why I would love to share it.

